We believe that wearing a school uniform puts children into a working frame of mind at the beginning of each school day. Not only does it provide a smart set of clothes in a very casual world but it also cuts down on the problems of what to wear. We hope that every child will wear the basic school colours, as follows:-
All Children
School Sweatshirt: navy
Trousers: grey traditional school uniform trousers only
Skirt/Pinafore Dress: grey
Summer Dresses: blue striped or checked dress
School Polo Shirt: pale blue
Socks: grey or white
Shoes: black or brown - Velcro fastenings until your child can do up laces independently
KS1 P.E.Kit
Shorts: navy
T-Shirt: white
Plimsolls: black – pull on or Velcro fastening not laces for KS1
P.E.Bag: a small drawstring bag available from school
Trainers: for outdoor use
KS2 P.E. Kit
Available through our uniform suppliers
Girls: one piece swimming costume
Boys: swimming trunks [not shorts]
Swimming hat: for long hair
Swimming bag: available from school
We use two retailers who hold stock of our uniform:
Monkhouse Schoolwear (Gloucester)
Kitz UK (Malvern)
In addition the PTFA hold a selection of second hand uniform.