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Eldersfield Lawn

CE Primary School

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Community and Church Links

School Carol Service in Eldersfield Church


We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 17th December at 9am.

Thank you for being able to transport your child to and from the church.

Everyone is welcome to join us back at school for tea, coffee and mince pies! 

Harvest Festival Service -Eldersfield Church


We look forward to parents and members of our local community joining us for our Harvest celebrations on Thursday 24th October at 9am. You are all welcome to come back to school for coffee, tea and cakes as we raise money for the West Midlands Air Ambulance.


Donations of non-perishable items will be collected for Tewkesbury Food Bank week commencing 14th October.


Thank you for your support. 


Berrow and Pendock Village Hall

Thank you to the families who attended the Pumpkin Festival on Saturday 28th September 2024.

All the children enjoyed their assembly in the spring term and took a pot and pumpkin seed home to grow!

Tewkewsbury Fields

Please support the Tewkesbury Fields Sponsored Cycle on 18th and 19th June and their BBQ and entertainment on 19th June 2024. See the attached details below.

Church @ the School - First Sunday of each month

Thank you to all the families who took part in the Easter competition. These children were presented with an Easter Egg. There were some very creative designs, including cards, pictures, Easter gardens, Easter bonnets and models!

Eldersfield Church Easter Service and Easter Egg Hunt Sunday 31st March 10.30am

Sunday 31sth March 10.30am - Easter service followed by an Easter Egg Hunt! 


Eldersfield Lawn School Easter Service 22nd March 9.00am

All are welcome to join us for our Easter service in Eldersfield church. To celebrate World Poetry Day this week, each class will recite a poem as part of the service! All parents and grandparents are invited to join us after church for tea, coffee and light refreshments. 


Church at School-First Sunday of each month

We are delighted to offer informal church services in our school hall on the first Sunday of each month. 'Church at School' begins at 10.30am. All are welcome with light refreshments served too.  


Visit to Tewkesbury Fields 21st March 2024 

To continue our community links from last term, on World Poetry Day, 21st March, a group of pupils will visit Tewkesbury Fields to read poetry to the residents and listen to their favourite poems too!


Church Quiz Night Friday 23rd February 7pm

Please join us from 6.30pm in the school hall.

Tudor Fish and Chip Shop will bring their van to serve food to the local community between 5.30pm - 7.00pm from our school car park!






Garden of Life

Still image for this video
A huge thank you to all of the companies who worked brilliantly together as part of this amazing community project to help create our wonderful Garden of LIFE!
With particular thanks to Mitch, Lee and all the team at MWH Treatment! We are incredible grateful for all you have done!



Links to the community


Please note that most of the organisations below are hyperlinked to the website in question.


  • Eldersfield Church – This is our link church and plays a very important part in the life of the school, our families and our children. With the generous help and support of our parents we are able to attend Eldersfield Church three times a year for the festivals of Harvest, Christmas and Easter. These are very special times and are an integral part in the life of the school.



We are supported by a number of nursery and pre-school settings with whom we have very good ties.


High Schools     

Due to our unique location, pupils move on to a range of schools: state, state grammar and independent. Typical of a cohort of 15 pupils, half move on to Hanley Castle High School, 1 or 2 attend Tewkesbury High or Newent Community Schools and up to 5 will attend the grammar schools in Gloucestershire. Sometimes pupils move on to one of the independent schools around Malvern or Gloucester and, very occasionally, Worcester.






