Our Reading Ambition
Our overarching aim for English and, in this case specifically reading, is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.
We firmly believe that reading helps to shape thinking, challenge views, spark imagination and promote discussion. Ultimately, reading is a vehicle that has the potential to positively impact on the formation of our pupils’ characters.
Through the teaching of reading, we aim to enable children to:
· Enjoy English and to study it with a sense of achievement and an appreciation of our rich and varied literary heritage
· Read easily, fluently and with good understanding – for pleasure and for information, using phonics initially, as well as graphic, syntactic and contextual cues, to monitor their reading and to correct their mistakes
· Acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language
· Be able to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, and to think critically.
How do we promote reading for pleasure?
Studies have shown that reading for pleasure is the biggest single indicator of a child’s future success. We develop pleasure in reading by sharing with children a wide-range of stories, poems, plays and non-fiction. We are currently developing a 'Reading Spine’ of high quality core texts ensures that all children have access to some of the great works of authors and poets.
Reading for pleasure is encouraged throughout the school and all children have the opportunity to borrow books from our Chancel library and class book corners each week.
How is reading taught?
In the early stages of reading, the children’s phonic knowledge is developed. As their confidence and fluency grows, we begin to focus on developing the children’s comprehension of texts.
At Eldersfield Lawn C.E. Primary School, our intent is for children to develop a life-long love of books and reading. Evidence shows that teaching phonics is the best way to teach children to read. Our synthetic phonics programme ‘Read Write Inc’ has been implemented in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 (and 2 where a need has been identified) to meet the needs of the children.
In the early stages, when children have phonetically decodable reading books, they will be expected to read them a number of times at home to ensure that they are fluent and so that the children feel a sense of achievement as a reader. Parents are guided in giving support at home through workshop style meetings, where the methods and terminologies used at school can be reinforced at home.
In addition to regular reading sessions, in Key Stage 1 and 2, comprehension tasks are planned as part of the writing learning journey when the children are in the immersion stage of exploring a text. Through this method, all children get to experience rich and challenging texts, and the children are able to encourage, challenge and inspire one another.
At Eldersfield Lawn C.E. Primary School, we recognise the clear link between enjoyment of reading and the development of writing. Our inspirational topics taught across the different classes are supported by exciting and challenging books. These in turn promote creative and ever-developing writing opportunities that help to inspire pupils to feel confident in communicating in either the spoken or written word.
Where children are not making progress, interventions are put in place which are delivered by our experienced team of staff. These may involve additional one-to-one reading with an adult or peer, additional reading sessions with a member of staff, or further small group support.
Parents are encouraged to listen to their child read aloud regularly at least four times a week.