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Pupil Governors - School Council



We welcome onto our new school council for this school year:


Key Stage 1 - Blue, Rupert, Lara and Harvey


Key Stage 2 - Grace, Robyn, Martha, Maddison, Saoirse and Henry


The group will meet with Miss Hindle on Wednesday 23rd October to share their views and create a plan together for a new school improvement project for the autumn term.

2023 - 2024


The 8 'Pupil Governors' will meet with Miss Hindle through the year to look at school improvement projects.


Autumn Term 1 2023



The group had their first meeting on 25th October 2023.


  • We talked about the roles and purpose of the school council work in supporting school improvement projects.


  • Each Pupil Governor had the opportunity to share their ideas about the things they would like to see in school and how pupils' views could be sought around some areas of school life. These included sports, roles of the monitors to support the younger children with play outside and future projects which could be worked on together.


  • Pupil views will be regularly collected and the Pupil Governors will share updates and reminders through each term within our whole school assembly time.


  • The group decided jointly that for their first project, they would like to look at improving the playground areas by encouraging everyone to keep things clean and tidy. This included disposing of litter carefully in the bins provided.


  • Following their first meeting, the Pupil Governors are now going to design and make posters which we can display around school to promote a tidy and litter free playground.


                       Please see the minutes from our October 2023 meeting at the end of this page.


                                             We will continue to share further updates each term.


The next Pupil Governor meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th December 2023.  


Autumn Term 2 2023


Following our second meeting, the Litter Picking Project is underway and the poster have been shared and displayed.

  • The Pupil Governors talked to the whole school during assembly time on Monday 11th December.
  • A meeting with some of our School Governors will be arranged before the end of the autumn term.
  • Pupils' views will be sought to collect ideas for re-naming our previous library space.   


                   Please see the minutes from our December 2023 meeting at the end of this page. 


Spring Term 2024


During our third meeting this year, points from the previous meeting were reviewed and we discussed the impact of the Litter Picking project from last term.

  • A meeting was held with our Chair of Governors and an Associate Governor at the end of last half-term which provided the opportunity to learn from each other and discuss involvement around School Improvement work.
  • The Pupil Governors shared thoughts around their ideas for additional sports during the school day and for after school clubs. During next half-term, each class will receive a weekly Cricket coaching session from Gloucestershire Cricket Board and also a taster day of Tri-Golf after the Easter holidays. 
  • A new project has been set for this term which will include a new box of lunchtime equipment in addition to the lunchtime reading boxes which are now part of our daily lunchtime routine.


                        Please see the minutes from our February 2024 meeting at the end of this page.

This school year (2023-24), we have extended the pupil involvement for the school council representatives, known as our 'Pupil Governors.' This will allow the wider collection of the pupil voice, views, opinions to include children from Key Stage 1 as well as Key Stage 2. 


In September, all children from Year 1 to Year 6 were invited to apply to become a 'Pupil Governor' as a way of representing their class. Letters were written to Miss Hindle explaining why the volunteers would like to take on this important role and how their thoughts and contributions could help the group support school improvement initiatives and fund raising ideas.



2022 - 2023

We welcome the ideas and input from our Junior Governors. Their roles involve collecting the wider pupils' voice through their representation in Class 3 and 4.


We aim to:


1. Continue making our school even better for everyone

2. Be responsible citizens

3. Help others in our school and within our local and wider community


Summer Term 2023

We met on Thursday 25th May 2023.


Please see the minutes from our meetings below at the end of this page.


The Junior Governors shared feedback and updates from their last meeting to all pupils during assembly time on 5th June 2023.



What views and improvements do we expect to see soon?


  • New netball and football nets will be purchased and used well by many children.


  • A collection of pupils' views will be sought for ideas around after school activity clubs from September 2023. 


We will continue to provide updates following our future meetings. 


Autumn Term 2023

Update 21st September 2023


  • We are delighted to have new netball and football nets up which are in good use!


  • Following pupils' views, the school has arranged a much wider range of after school activity clubs this term which are being enjoyed by many of you! The gymnastics, football, art and craft, netball and sewing clubs have all proved to be VERY popular! Great choices everyone and thanks to all the school staff for their help to deliver these new clubs for everyone to enjoy!