Our Music Ambition at Eldersfield Lawn
We provide a wealth of creative opportunities to help build children's competence by supporting them to develop their understanding of musical skills:
We cover this thee through the key areas of:
Music Specialists and the Music Hub
As as school, we work with the music hub and music specialists from Severn Arts to offer a variety of music lessons for children in key stage 2 to access. Currently, the options for these lessons are the violin, keyboard and guitar.
Singing and Performances
All children have the opportunity to sing and perform at whole school events throughout the year.
Some of the singing and performances are held in Eldersfield church and include community celebrations for Harvest, Christmas and Easter. As a church school, we also sing together during our daily collective worship time.
At the end of the school year, all children in key stage 2 take part in a production which includes acting, singing and dancing at the local village hall.
Spring Sings
Children in the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have participated with other schools at Malvern St James. Parents were invited to watch the performance as the children sang on a stage!
The Big Sing
Children in Year 3 and 4 participate annually at a collaborative singing event called 'The Big Sing' with other schools. This is held at Malvern St. James where new songs are listened to, practised, rehearsed and performed together as a large group during the second half of the autumn term.
Young Voices
Children in Year 5 and 6 participate annually in a wider, regional singing event called 'Young Voices' with many other schools. This is held at the NIA in Birmingham during the first half of the spring term.
After School Singing Club/Choir
We have a school choir which is open for children in the Reception class to Year 6. The choir learn a variety of songs and have performed at the opening of events, including the Christmas Fayre. The choir also led part of the Carol service and visits have been made to a local residential care home where the group were recorded for BBC radio!
Developing Musical Skills and Talents
Children who have taken up music lessons have the opportunity to perform to audiences at a whole school level where parents are invited at different times during the year.
Where children have a particular musical talent, this is encouraged, supported and nurtured, for example providing opportunity for a chorister to sing solo during a community event.
We also recognise and celebrate children's musical achievement during our weekly celebration assembly where music certificates and grades and wider involvement are praised.