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Eldersfield Lawn

CE Primary School

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Maths Ambition

Our Mathematics Ambition


At Eldersfield Lawn C.E. Primary School we aim to make mathematics fun

and for all children to leave our school as confident mathematicians!


From Reception, we promote a positive attitude towards all aspects of Maths by encouraging children to explore, discover, describe and explain. Mathematics is taught as one of the ‘specific’ areas of the EYFS curriculum, providing children with the opportunity to develop and understand the skills of counting, using and understanding numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems and to describe shape, space and measures using ‘hands on’ activities. This happens through a daily maths lesson teaching a specific skill and then structured opportunities to use the taught skill during the independent ‘Rainbow Challenges’. The maths that takes place is closely observed and documented to identify the next stepping-stone in the children’s mathematical development.


Across Key Stage One children develop their mathematical skills through adult led activities as well as enhanced provision opportunities, where resources and activities are provided for the children to develop their understanding and reasoning. In Key Stage Two all children have a daily mathematics lesson that follows the National Curriculum and is based on 7 strands: Using & Applying Maths, Counting and Understanding Number, Knowing and Using Number Facts, Calculating, Understanding Shape, Measuring and Handling Data.


Using and Applying Maths and Understanding Number are strands that are very much prevalent throughout all aspects of the subject. Strong mental skills are promoted through regular practice of times tables and number bonds. Fluency is promoted in all areas of mathematics and we quickly encourage children to apply this fluency during problem solving and reasoning activities.


Across the school, we have a strong focus on Problem Solving and Mathematical Reasoning; this approach is supported through our use of White Rose Maths Hub schemes of work, allowing for progression to be made in small steps, which we feel best supports high quality learning. We support this with choosing the best of additional resources to make the learning relevant and achievable for all children. However, we know that some children need extra support, time and experiences to develop their understanding and knowledge, so we offer interventions where specific needs are identified. The pitch and pace of the work is sensitive to the needs of the children, despite high expectations are, so that progress is possible for all.


From EYFS, we make strong use of concrete apparatus and pictorial images in order to securely embed mathematical understanding before moving on to abstract representations. This practical and visual approach is continued through to Year 6, by which time a wide range of techniques will be used widely to support learning. Although adults provide strong support in order to build learning resilience, we promote independence by expecting children to challenge themselves and not be afraid to make mistakes. Each classroom has high quality mathematical resources and a ‘working wall’ for the children to use as a reference point for mathematical language, technique reminders and examples linked to their current and prior mathematical learning.

